Why I Sign Emails with #Velocity

Why I Sign Emails with #Velocity

I sign off in my emails with #velocity instead of Regards Here's why:

🏎️ Speed is a Skill

As Patrick Collins of Stripe points out, Speed is a Skill. It can be improved with focused effort over time.

Velocity permeates everything we do at Storytell, where I'm CEO. Our goal is to build the right thing fast, instead of the wrong thing right.

Velocity is Speed, applied

As I write in this post titled "Turning Speed into Velocity: Your Vision, Mission, Values & OKRs," velocity is speed applied in a specific direction. And that is what really matters in building successful startups: Learning and iterating a quickly as possible.

FounderCulture has a number of related resources to help Founders learn and buidl faster, including:

Personal resources:

Team-dynamics resources:

Company-building resources:
